51 resultaten gevonden voor 'value chain'

supply chain

sequence of activities or parties that provides products (2.15) or services (2.16) to the organization (2.12)


system by which a connection is made between information or claims concerning raw materials or intermediate products and claims concerning final products, including all the stages from the raw material production up until the release of the final product for consumption

supply chain

those involved, through upstream and downstream linkages, in activities delivering value in the form of a product (3.2.3) to different interested parties (3.1.7)

supply chain

linked set of resources and processes that begins with the production of raw material and extends through the manufacturing, processing, handling and delivery of products to the purchaser

supply chain

sequence of activities or parties that provides goods (3.7) or services (3.23) to the organization (3.16)

typical value

estimate of the representative greenhouse gas emission saving for a particular bioenergy production pathway

value transfer

transfer of a monetary value (3.12.7) estimate from a primary monetary valuation (3.12.6) study to another context

product system value

worth or desirability ascribed to a product system (3.3)