73 resultaten gevonden voor 'other indirect greenhouse gas emission'

other indirect greenhouse gas emission

greenhouse gas emission (3.9.8)

, other than energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (3.9.11), that is a consequence of an organization’s (3.1.1) activities, but arises from greenhouse gas sources (3.9.4) that are owned or controlled by other organizations

indirect greenhouse gas emission

greenhouse gas emission (3.9.8)

that is a consequence of an organization’s (3.1.1) operations and activities, but that arises from greenhouse gas sources (3.9.4) that are not owned or controlled by the organization

greenhouse gas

gaseous constituent of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorbs and emits radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, the atmosphere, and clouds

greenhouse gas emission

release of a greenhouse gas (3.21) to the atmosphere

greenhouse gas emission

total mass of a greenhouse gas released to the atmosphere over a specified period of time

energy indirect greenhouse gas emission

greenhouse gas emission (3.9.8)

from the generation of imported electricity, heat or steam consumed by an organization (3.1.1)

greenhouse gas emission

total mass of a GHG (3.6.15) released to the atmosphere over a specified period of time

greenhouse gas emission

release of a GHG ( into the atmosphere

other indirect GHG emission

greenhouse gas emission (3.9.8)

, other than energy indirect greenhouse gas emissions (3.9.11), that is a consequence of an organization’s (3.1.1) activities, but arises from greenhouse gas sources (3.9.4) that are owned or controlled by other organizations